JAVA MONKEY SPEAKS SECOND ANNIVERSARY: The fabulous evening of poetry and spoken word known as Java Monkey speaks will celebrate its second anniversary this Sunday, June 22 from 8:30 p.m. until it's over. Kodac Harrison will be hosting of course, along with feature Chezon Jackson. The big announcement about the chapbook will also be made. I am very excited to be involved in the chapbook. Cleo Creech, a fantastic poet and man with the plan, showed me the mock up last week and it is beautiful. If you are coming to JMS, get there early. Sign up begins at 8 p.m. and the sheet is usually full by 8:01 p.m.

CARIBOU REDUX: Either the poetry readings at Caribou Coffee at Emory Village are cursed or I am. I showed up at 8 p.m. with a clutch of poems and there wasn't a soul to be found. Someone told me after I sat around for half an hour that it had been moved to 9 p.m. I ran some errands and came back by around 9 and the patio was still dead. This open mic is in need of some direction.

GEORGIA POETRY SOCIETY: The new Georgia Poetry Society Newsletter under my editorship is out to the members this week. It's not as pretty as I wanted it to be, but it looks professional and is easy to read. The next edition will look better. Big things are to do with GPS, including the sponsoring of a monthly open mic night starting this fall. Yours truly has a hand in this. More soon. If anyone is interested in joining GPS, send me an email and I will pass along the information. My email is


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