ATLANTA LITERARY FESTIVAL: The Atlanta Literary Festival is just around the corner and they have a beautiful website that lists all the events, including the launch of Better To Travel at the Fayette County Library on Sept. 19 (it's one of the opening night events for the festival) and my participation in the Night of 100 Authors at Peachtree Highway Books in Candler Park. Check it out at

BETTER TO TRAVEL AT PEACHTREE HIGHWAY: Better To Travel is now available for purchase at Peachtree Highway book shop in Candler Park. This is a charming store that mainly specializes in southern literature. The shop (which is located right on McLendon Avenue next door to Candler Florist) has a great selection of books, music and magazines. If you don't want to buy a copy of the book off the web, stop buy and get one from owner Rich Mintz.

FIRST REVIEW FOR BETTER TO TRAVEL: Book Review Cafe has published a glowing review of Better To Travel this week. I am absolutely thrilled. You can read the review at


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