MUSE ART CAFE READING: Don't forget to drop by Muse Art Cafe this evening (Tuesday, May 4) at 8 p.m. to hear my reading with Alice Lovelace. For those in Atlanta, the cafe is on N. Highland Ave near the interesection of North Ave. The Chattahoochee Review and Muse are sponsoring the event. I'll be reading new material and selections from Better To Travel.

GOOGLING: So, I Googled myself. I just wanted to see what might come up. I was pleased to see that the website ( is the first link, and that Amazon and Barnes & Noble have sponsored links (I think that means they are paying) promoting Better To Travel. However, there's a couple of unexpected things, too. My favorite is the link called "Do You Love the Author Collin Kelley?" Apparently it's some matchmaking service in the UK called...wait for and someone has mentioned me as one of their favorites. The person's flirty name is Wheel 55 (hello there, Wheel!) and he sounds pretty hot. If he's straight, you ladies should check him out. If he's gay, he's mine. I appreciate being in such fine literary company as Kafka, Shakespeare and Douglas Adams and I'm glad you like my work Wheel55...whoever you are. And then there's the list I made for Amazon of my favorite trance cds about four years ago. I just looked at it again, and they are still essential. And then there's "Googlism" ( This is the site where you enter your name and it searches through Google to see what is said about you, then spits it out in brief little sentences. Here is the results from my "Googlism":

collin kelley is a journalist and poet from atlanta
collin kelley is an award winning playwright
collin kelley is included here for your convenience

The last one just kills me. I'm convenient. Does that make me sound like a whore?


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