POETRY PROTEST: Just got back from the state capitol where I was one of the featured poets at a protest against Amendment 1, which would ban gay marriage in Georgia, as well as take away civil rights. Jessica "Danger Dyke" Hand organized the event and I was thrileld to see my pals Lady Hardin, Lisa Allender and Theresa Davis reading as well. I had hoped for a bigger crowd, but getting the message out to even a few people is better thank none.

I urge everyone to vote NO on this amendment. This amendment is constitutionally flawed, period. Not only does it combine four different subjects, in violation of the Georgia Constitution, the clearly deceptive language voters will see on the ballot creates the misperception that its only purpose is to define marriage. Section B of the amendment (wich will not appear on the ballot) would also prohibit municipal and county governments from offering domestic partner benefits and erase the possibility of civil unions coming to Georgia.

On my way over to Decatur after the rally, I was thrilled to see so many Kery supporters on street corners handing out bumperstickers. I haven't been able to find one anywhere. The moment I pulled into the lot, I put it on the back of my car. Better late than never. The lines for early voting last week put me off from going because of work, but on Tuesday morning, I'm going to get in line and stand there until I can cast my ballot.

I'm about to head up to the studio to record Cecilia Woloch and Sholeh Wolpe for the November editions of The Business of Words on Leisure Talk Radio. Check out the radio home page. They have some very cool shows.


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