Poets on Twitter 3.0

It's my fourth anniversary on Twitter, and to celebrate I've finally compiled Poets on Twitter 3.0. There are more than 200 names in this directory, but the list is by no means complete. I wanted to give a broad overview of poets who use Twitter, so you'll recognize some names (Margaret Atwood, for example) but many will be new to you. Like the previous lists I published back in 2009, the intent is to get poets and readers interacting and sharing useful links. 

A few caveats: I had to leave off quite a few poets because they have abandoned their accounts. The poets included have at least tweeted this year. Some of the poets have their accounts protected (which still makes no sense to me, but that's for another blog), so you may have to request to follow them. If I've screwed up anyone's link or accidentally left off friends, leave a comment and I'll fix it. I encourage readers of this post to leave their Twitter names in the comments, too, so people can find and follow you. Okay, here we go... 

Karen Head: @poetphd
Jackie Sheeler: @jsheeler
Laurel Snyder: @laurelsnyder
Didi Menendez: @didimenendez
Charles Jensen: @charles_jensen
Amena Brown: @amenabee
Montgomery Maxton: @montmaxton
Kate Evans: @kateevanswriter
Karen Wurl: @kittenofpower
Dustin Brookshire: @dbrookshire
Andrew Demcak: @andrewdemcak
Ron Silliman: @ronsilliman
Christopher Hennessy: @identity_poetic
Nancy Devine: @nancydevine
Robert Lee Brewer: @robertleebrewer
Matthew Hittinger: @mhittinger
Christine Swint: @yoginipoet
Oliver de la Paz: @Oliver_delaPaz
Zinta Aistars: @zintaaistars
Tara Betts: @tarabetts
Nic Sebastian: @verylikeawhale
Mary Biddinger: @marybid
Rosemary Nissen-Wade: @snakypoet
Jon Goode: @jongoode
Emily Benton: @emilyabenton
Cheryl Snell: @cherylsnell
Shann Palmer: @shannpalmer
Daniel Nester: @danielnester
Jilly Dybka: @jilly
Vanessa Daou: @vanessadaou
Anne Haines: @annehaines
Amy King: @amyhappens
Christian Bok: @christianbok
Ivy Alvarez: @ivyalvarez
Collin Kelley: @collinkelley
Sherry Chandler: @BlueGrassPoet
Samuel Peralta: @semaphore1
Patty Paine: @pattypaine
Luisa Igloria: @ThePoetsLizard
Maureen Evans: @Maureen
Christine Miller: @ChristineMiller
Zoe Nishimuta: @zoenishimuta
John Hudak: @iamcynical
T.R. "Terry" Hummer: @trhummer
K. Silem Mohammad: @ksilem
Tao Lin: @tao_lin
Dave Bonta: @morningporch
Michele Brenton: @banana_the_poet
Ray Succre: @raysuccre
Deborah Ager: @32poems and @clickwisdom
Marie-Elizabeth Mali: @memali
Joel Fried: @joeltalks
Will Kenyon: @williamkenyon
Christine Klocek-Lim: @chrissiemkl
Sharon Brogan:
Saeed Jones: @saeedjones
Samiya Bashir:
Rachel Barenblat: @velveteenrabi
LisaMarie Rollins: @thirdrootprod
Scott Edward Anderson: @greenskeptic
Susan Taylor Brown:
Deb Scott:
Pamela Johnson Parker:
Jeffrey Thomson:
Peggy Eldridge-Love: @Plove413
James Valvis: @jamesvalvis
Alex Dimitrov:
Sally Evans: @sallyevanz
Reb Livingston: @rebliv
Jeannine Hall Gailey: @webbish6
Elizabeth Alexander:@professorea
January O'Neil: @januaryoneil
Martha Silano: @marthasilano
Robert Peake: @peakepoetics
Pamela Ross: @writerross
Mary Cronin: @maryecronin
Jason Davis: @jazzone
Leslie DeJesus Marson: @phatgyrl
Allen Taylor: @worldclasspoet
Jacob Sam-La Rose: @jsamlarose
Chris Twitery Loft: @christwitery
Anthony C. Howe: @sirwumpus
Alberto J. Trevino: @atetal
Phil Boiarski: @boiarski
Kerry Slavens: @kerryslavens
Brian Pike: @paiku
Dave Morris: @davemorrisisa 
Jake Adam York: @jakeadamyork
Julie Bloemeke: @jebloemeke
Rebecca Loudon: @rloudon
Sam Rasnake: @samrasnake
Brian Campbell: @passengerflight
Diane Lockward: @dianelock
Barbara Jane Reyes: @bjanepr
Larry "Lorenzo" Fish: @theamericanpoet
Bernard Fraely: @bernfraley
Melissa Fondakowski: @mfondakowski
Mike Dockins: @sloucher72
Paul Badger: @paulpoetry
Edward Byrne: @edwardbyrne
Suzanne Frischkorn: @litwindowpane
David-Matthew Barnes: @xoxodmb
Belinda Subraman: @belindasubraman
Theresa Davis: @piraterockstar
M. Kei: @kujakupoet
Jeffrey Thomson: @jeffreythomson
Stephen S. Mills: @stephenscott22
Bryan Borland: @SRP_Bryan
Alonzo Rumfelt: @homericgeek
Ellen Hopkins: @ellenhopkinsya
Gillian Sze: @gilliansze
Eduardo Ribeiro: @edoowado
Francis Scudellari: @franscud
Bernadette Geyer: @bernadettegeyer
JC Reilly: @aishatonu
Heidi Colthup: @heidi_colthup
Julie Dill: @gatewaygroupie
Anne Boyer: @anne_boyer
Peter Ciccariello: @ciccariello
Diane Mericle: @diane1965
Lawrence Schimel: @lawrenceschimel
Julie R. Enszer: @julierenszer
Cheryl Crockett: @poetatete
Mary Karr: @marykarrlit
Khara House: @ourlostjungle
Russell Ragsdale: @russ8u
Erynn Laurie: @erynn
Torie Michelle: @torie_ib4e
Mark Stratton: @radio_nowhere_1
Donald Wayne Carroll: @donaldwayne67
Julie Jordan Scott: @juliejordanscot
Kelli Russell Agodon: @kelliagodon
Joshua Gray: @jgpoetry
David Vincenti: @dvincentipoet
Simon Cowan: @simoncowan
Julie Carter: @jflamingo2
J.D. Fuller: @jdfullerwrites
Veronica Hosking: @hosking
Meena Rose: @msmeenarose
Morgan Harlow: @morganharlow
Heather Grace Stewart: @hgracestewart
JD Green: @londyjamel
Lisa Allender: @lisaallender
Margaret Atwood: @margaretatwood
Dorothea Lasky: @dorothealasky
Sheila O'Shea: @wonderbink
Poppy Herrin: @poppyherrin1
Dorianne Laux: @doriannelaux
Randall Mann: @randallmannpoet
Paul Lisicky: @paul_lisicky
Nin Andrews: @ninandrew
Major Jackson: @poet_major
Timothy Liu:
Annie Finch: @arcfinch
Cherryl Floyd-Miller: @thebluelines
Miguel Murphy: @miguelmurphy
Patricia Caspers: @patriciacaspers
Ravi Shankar: @empurpler
D.A. Lockhart: @wriverlockhart
Rachel Zuker: @rachzuck
Nick Flynn: 
CA Conrad: @caconrad88
Eileen Myles: @eileenmyles
Paul Legault: @theotherpaul
Alex Lemon:  
D.A. Powell: @powell_da 
Patrick Rosal:  
David Groff: @davidgroff
Kazim Ali: @kazimalipoet
Maureen E. Doallas: @doallas
Sandra Beasley: @sandrabeasley
Amanda Auchter: @alauchter
Steven Reigns: @stevenreigns
Brent Calderwood: @brentcalderwood
Sherman Alexie: @sherman_alexie
Daniel Kaczmarek:
J.P. Dancing Bear: @jpdancingbear
Alice Anderson: @alicepoet
Paul Guest: @paulmguest
Kwame Dawes: @kwamedawes
Gabriel Gadfly: @gabrielgadfly
Randall Weiss: @randalljweiss
Jessie Carty: @jessiepoet
Shaindel Beers: @shaindelr 
Dan Vera: @DanVera
David Herrle: @davidherrle
Joy Leftow: @violetwrites
Raymond Luczak: @deafwoof
Akinfe Fatou: @akinfe
Chris Abani: @chrisabani
Brian Spears: @briankspears
Jessica Care Moore: @jessicacaremoor
Seth Abramson: @sethabramson
Stacey Lynn Brown: @staceylynnbrown
Rusty Barnes: @rustybarnes23
Christine Hamm: @deadkitty12
Hannah Stephenson: @thestorialist
Patricia Smith: @pswordwoman
Roger Bonair-Agard: @rogerbonair
Roz Kaveney: @rozkaveney
Aimee Nezhukumatathil: @amieenez
Ren Powell: @renkath
Martha Rhodes: @cohoesian
Sheree Rabe: @writerrabe
Lisa Janice Cohen: @lisajanicecohen
Tammy Knott: @tammy_j_knott
Matt Quinn: @poemblaze
John Espinoza: @johnespinoza
Joan Barrett Roberts: @jrobertswi
Elizabeth Howard: @smallstate
Ruben Quesada: @rubenquesada

May 20 Update
John Smallshaw: @jsirony
Clare L. Martin: @martinclarel
Amy Champ: @amychamp
Carole Johnston: @morganabag
Helen Hagemann: @joyouslake
Maggie May Ethridge: @fluxcapacitor74
Lynne Procope: @lprocope
Lorne Daniel: @lornedaniel
Christina Nguyen: @tinanguyen
Donna Vorreyer: @djvorreyer
Carol Peters: @carolpeters
Jack Varnell: @emotionalorphan 
Patricia Murphy: @patriciacmurphy
Barbara Ehrentreu: @barbehr
S.E. Ingraham: @seingraham
Diana Terrill Clark: @dianadomino
Mariya Koleva: @phoenix_em
Matthew John Davies: @altahcroma
John Anstie: @poetjanstie
Phillip A. Ellis: @phillipellis
Pamela Sayers: @pamelitasayers
Pearl Ketover Prilik: @drpearl1
Patricia A. Hawkenson: @phawkenson
Aaron Kent: @minisixx
George Szirtes: @george_szirtes
De Jackson: @dejackson
Madeleine Kane: @madkane
Claudette J.Young: @claudsy1
Pamela Smyk Cleary: @pscinct
Neva Flores: @changefulstorm
Vince Wilson: @invincewill
Robert Smith: @rasmithii
S.M. Abeles: @dreamsoftoas
Edward Rinaldi: @blindedbeatpoet
Sondra J. Byrnes: @sondrajbyrnes
Keith Montesano: @keithmontesano
Kendall Ashley Bell: @kashleybell


christine said…
Thanks for including me, Collin! Your OCHO Twitter poets edition was one of my first publication credits.

I have protected my account because I was getting so much spam. So maybe in your next post you can tell me how to avoid spam and have my account open like it used to be.

I hope you tweet your London trip...
Clare L Martin said…
I am not super active on Twitter but I am there. Could you include me on your list?

Christina Nguyen, @TinaNguyen writing #haiku and #tanka / #5lines.
Unknown said…
yay!! Thanks for another new list for finding poets online!!

And thanks for including me-

#poetparty on the 27th and the 3rd?? I hope I can get to at least one of them- we're i stalling a new organ at the church where I work and both those weekends will be busy but I hope I'll be free by 9pm!

Maureen said…
Such a great list. Thank you for including me.
Donna vorreyer said…
Would love to be included. Donna Vorreyer

Gabriel Gadfly said…
Great list, Collin. Thanks for including me!
Carol Peters said…
Jack Varnell -aka- @emotionalorphan

Thanks !!!
Patricia Murphy said…
Thanks for this list. Could you add me? Patricia Murphy @PatriciaCMurphy
Anonymous said…
Wow. It is your site but, remember, you asked for the suggestions. You asked dude.
Collin Kelley said…
You're right, it is my blog and I'm not going to do the back and forth with an anonymous commenter because you believe that I've slighted some poets.

There are millions of people using Twitter and untold numbers of poets. Obviously, we don't all move in the same circles. I don't know half the people on this list and I don't follow all of them. The point of this list was to provide a connecting point. Take it in the spirit of which it was created and not as a popularity contest.

I do want suggestions, but I would like them without condescension. I'm happy to include the poets you mentioned, but please have a little respect when you visit my blog and perhaps have the courtesy to leave your name.
Nancy Devine said…
thanks for the list and for including me.
Collin Kelley said…
My pleasure, Nancy.
Dan Kaczmarek said…
Thanks for adding me to the list and taking the time to put this all together! A great resource.
Thanks for the inclusion once again, Collin. I hope you have a grand time at the reading with Ivy and Robert and the other poets across the pond.

Looking forward to hearing all about it!
David Vincenti said…
Thanks for the effort to compile this list and for including me!
Helen Hagemann said…
Thanks, Collin. These days I'm on twitter mainly for the poetry. Good to see this list updated and I'll pass the message on.

Hi Collin. I see a lot of my poet friends here, but I am not on your list, Barbara Ehrentreu @barbehr on Twitter. Also, a lot of other great poets didn't make your list. How about posting on Twitter you are looking for poets. You should get a few more people here who deserve to be on your list.
S.E.Ingraham said…
a great list and also a great resource - would love to be included whenever you get around to adding more poets: S.E.Ingraham@seingraham
Thanks so much!
Diana said…
I am a poet on Twitter! Diana Terrill Clark - @dianadomino. (Would you mind including me too? Thank you!)
Mariya Koleva said…
Hi Collin,
this is a great list. I would love to be included whenevery you get to updating it.

thanks and all best of luck to all writing fellows!
Best, M.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Looking forward to seeking these out, Collin. Cheers.

I'm @altahcroma if interested.
poetjanstie said…
I am impressed that you should take the trouble to compile a listing of poets for their benefit and, of course, as a relative new boy on the block I'd like to be included too.

My twitter ID is @poetjanstie and thank you.
Anonymous said…
My twitter handle is:


Thank you,

Phillip A. Ellis
F A Guerin said…
I have not used it yet but it's
flaubert said…
Nice list. I know many of these poets. When you get an opportunity ... @pamelitasayers

Thanks please add @DrPearl1
phawkenson said…
Please add me. Patricia A. Hawkenson: @phawkenson
Aaron Kent said…

Firstly, great list. Second, I am an active published poet on Twitter: @minisixx

I'd love to be included,


Aaron Kent
Dave said…
The major UK poet George Szirtes is using Twitter to post actual poems: @george_szirtes (Apologies if you've already included him. Not sure why you eschewed alphabetical order here?)
What a great, comprehensive list. I would love to be included, when you find the time:

De Jackson (WhimsyGizmo):
What a great list! Could you possibly add me? (I specialize in limericks and often write haiku too.)

I'm @Madkane.

Claudette Young said…
This is great, Collin. So many of us in the same place. If you would please, add me to your list when you're able.

Claudette J. Young @Claudsy1

Thanks so much for putting this together.
What an excellent idea! I'm new to Twitter and still learning the ropes, but I would love to be included in your list. Thanks!

Pamela Smyk Cleary @PSCinCT
Unknown said…
This is wonderful, please include me:

Kate Evans said…
Thank you for being such a wonderful supporter of the poetry community!
Elizabeth Krieg said…
I'd love to be included as well.

Anonymous said…
Köy Deli said…
Köy Deli @koy_deli
Ambiguitylotus said…
Kathy Uyen Nguyen (@alotus_poetry)

Thanks to Rosemary who RTed this. And thanks for this post, I'd added even more poets to my list. :)
Andrew Shields said…

Thanks for the list, Collin!
Jeff Newberry said…
My Twitter handle is @NewberryJeff and my blog is at my website http://www.jeffnewberry.com

Thanks for this list, Colin.
Chris Galvin said…
Great list! Thanks so much for putting this together. Please add me, too.
Great list! I'd love to be added too, in the future: @DonnaLewisCowan

Kelly said…
Hi Collin, a great list here! Would appreciate being added when you have a moment: @poetkellycm

Kelly Cressio-Moeller
Collin- Would appreciate it if you would include me on your list...


Michael Wells

Thanks Collin
JayTee said…
I'd like to be included, please. @jaytothetee
Greg said…
I thought I had left a comment but I didn't see it. Apologies if this is a repeat.

Thanks for a great service to poets and poetry! Please add me at your convenience: @dctexpoet. Thank you!
Tricia said…
Lovely list! I'd love to be added too, if you would please: @triciamccallum1

Thanks! Tricia McCallum
What a great list! I look forward to following these folks. I'm a poet/translator on Twitter.

Zack Berger
Gemma Wiseman said…
A great idea! Mainly write haikus with my photos but in mad moments try monostich, gogyohka and others.

Would love to be included!

I am @AuraGem
Jennifer Jean said…
I'll wear the lampshade! @fishwifetales

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