TERRORISM CONTINUES: On the way home from work today, I was listening to the Sean Hannity show. Yeah, I know...he's a right wing conservative jerk off, but I believe in keeping tabs on the...ahem...enemy. He had some talking head on the show discussing how the world is safer thanks to George "Dumbass" Bush. Of course there was no mention of the nearly 200 people who died this morning in the horrible terrorist bombings in Madrid. Al-Qeada has claimed responsibility, which proves without a shadow of a doubt they are alive and well. For fucks sake...they were able to detonate 10 bombs on the trains. TEN!!!! And has anyone caught the fact that its March 11...two and half years to the day since Sept. 11??? Yeah, I feel so much safer Georgie. Is John Kerry going to make me feel any safer? Maybe not, but at least he won't be up there blowing smoke up our collective asses about the state of the world.
On a more positive note, tomorrow night (Friday, March 12) is the next Georgia Poetry Society Open Mic will feature award-winning poet M. Ayodele Heath. Sign up at 7 p.m., poetry begins at 7:30 p.m. We'll have a shorter program so everyone can get over to the Defoor Center for On That Note featuring Cecilia Woloch, Caroline Aiken and Kodac Harrison. It starts at 9 p.m.
On a more positive note, tomorrow night (Friday, March 12) is the next Georgia Poetry Society Open Mic will feature award-winning poet M. Ayodele Heath. Sign up at 7 p.m., poetry begins at 7:30 p.m. We'll have a shorter program so everyone can get over to the Defoor Center for On That Note featuring Cecilia Woloch, Caroline Aiken and Kodac Harrison. It starts at 9 p.m.