GEORGIA AUTHOR OF THE YEAR AWARDS: My dear friend Cecilia Woloch won for Late. I am so glad she did. It's a beautiful book. The competition was always between Cecilia and Tania Rochelle (who's Karaoke Funeral is just as brilliant), so if you can't win yourself, you can at least be happy for your friend that does. And I am. Congrats, Cecilia! The judge for the competition was fairly condescending about the rest of the poetry entries. He's known for his academic elitism, and while I thought he would keep it to himself tonight, he just couldn't help himself. Oh, well...some people are just going to be bitter and out of touch forever. No matter what anyone thinks of Better To Travel, it's been an amazing year with this book and I've met so many kind and supportive people along the way.

On another note, I've gotten an inbox full of responses to the poem "Siege," which you can read below. It's controversial, but someone has to speak the truth. My new pal Jackie Sheeler who hosts the Pink Pony reading series at Cornelia Street Cafe in NYC liked it so much she was going to read it aloud at her own gig tonight at CB's at the Bowery!!! How fucking cool is that. Jaxx, you rock, girl.


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