BLOG ANNIVERSARY: It was brought to my attention that I've been doing this blog for exactly two years TODAY! Damn...time do fly. Thanks to everyone who reads it on a regular basis and takes time to comment...even those who do so anonymously. I'll try to keep you informed and entertained. And while you're at it, make sure to check out some of the other websites and blogs I have linked over on the left. There's some great writers, poets and pundits worth exploring.


Anonymous said…
Congrats! I see you're still being as hardcore as ever on the Christian right. lol Before you know it someone will be back here posting and telling you to drink your kool-aid.

David Herrle said…
Damn. 2 years. As Groucho Marx said, "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana." :)

Anonymous said…
anonymous congratulations! two years of consistent blogging is a real accomplishment, on top of all your other work... looking forward to more!
nolapoet said…
You go, boy! Now that I've taken back my life, maybe we can blogroll each other a bit!

Billy Jones said…
Thanks for introducing yourself to me. I took the liberty of adding you to the aggregator at
Anonymous said…
Rupert here - thanks for the Blog and for ranting on shite that i would myself - and thanks for doing all you do on the local Po scene!

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