THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL: In my June 29 post, I predicted an all out war in the Middle East and with Israel now bombing Lebanon and making deeper incursions into Gaza against the Palestinians, this prediction is becoming reality. Meanwhile, North Korea and Iran are making new threatening statements about nuclear weapon programs, the bombings in Mumbai have ratcheted up the tension with Pakistan over disputed Kashmir, Iraq is on the brink of civil war (not to mention the insurgent death squads that have claimed hundreds of lives this week alone), the Taliban are gaining control again in Afghanistan, and here at home Dubya's weasely butt-boy Karl Rove has been implicated in exposing CIA agent Valerie Plame to the media. Oh, and the Army says it's going to get new bids for services in Iraq instead of using Halliburton, but since there's no other company in the world capable of handling the array of services (from fuel to laundry services), it appears Halliburton will win the contract again to the tune of $7 billion a year. I wonder how much Cheney-of-Fools and Dubya get to stick in their pockets? I'm not even going to link each of these. Just go or to read all about it. Remember when all we had to worry about were the jizz stains on Monica Lewinsky's pretty blue frock? Ah...the happy, golden years.


Billy Jones said…
Had we only knew then what we know now...
Collin Kelley said…
Sadly, Israel always overreacts. The taking of a few soldiers doesn't seem to warrant to bombing of Lebanon and Gaza. Surely, Israel should have taken some action to secure their release, but bombing Beirut Airport, a naval blockade? Come on now...
Anonymous said…
blowjobs = good.

bombs = bad.

why is that so hard to get?

Thanks for this. It's good to know these things -- to prepare for them.
Collin Kelley said…
I'm with you Jenni...blowjobs are good and bombs are bad. :)

I hate having to prepare. Sigh.
Anonymous said…
Very upsetting, and I'm afraid all the slip ups and miscalculations by the Bush administration are going to come home to roost. The way we've alienated our European allies, actually helped make Iran a key player in the region, turned the whole middle-east against us/Israel just goes to show you how every little decision and policy has an impact. Already attacks by Israel are characterized as an attack on the "muslim" world. Most of Europe has condemned Israel of "overreaction" and we've been forced to veto a widely UN resolution condeming Israel's action. Even Putin is dismissing the administration with bad Cheney/Shotgun jokes.

How vulnerable are we now? A weak unpopular administration, nonsupportive allies, a whole region that hates us, and escalating gas prices with no energy plan.

I went to see "Islam: What the West Should Know" last weekend. Even though it leans right, it was still a chilling documentary on the mindset of Islamic fundamentalists and just what Islam and the Koran preaches and promotes. It was pretty scary.

One thing that was alarming in the documentary was the notion that the West is going to have to establist at some point just what it "stands" for and what it's values are. The documentary was saying how the west is going to have to solidify it's identity as a "christian" culture (whatever that means) and that a general notion of tepid multi-culturalism, democracy, freedom and equality wasn't really going to be a match for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.
Collin Kelley said…
Good points, Cleo. We need to impeach Dubya and try to start righting the sinking ship. What's going to happen when Iran starts bombing Israel? Because that's going to happen any second now. I think Dubya and his warmongers are itching for Iran to make a move so they can start a new war.
Tania Rochelle said…
Greatest image ever!

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