GOING FOR BROKE: I bought my plane ticket to the UK yesterday. Spent $550, which is cheap compared to some of the other rates I've seen. It was a special I found out about and I immediately jumped on it. This is the first time I've found a roundtrip to London for less than $700 during my travel dates in the fall. Since fuel charges have increased, the days of cheap deals to Europe are over. Your ticket might be $350 bucks, but they tack on several hundred dollars more. It's insane. Remember when you could fly to Europe for $200 or $300 bucks in the off season? Damn...I miss that.

The picture at right is Keepers Cottage in Haworth, Yorkshire where I'll be spending the first part of my trip. This is the "Wuthering Hike," where some of us will be climbing Top Withens, the supposed location of Wuthering Heights. I'll be sharing the cottage (located on Bronte Street, natch) with six friends, plus many others who will be staying nearby. If the weather is terrible (and it usually is), we'll probably spend most of the weekend down the pub. Then I'll come back to London for a week and another weekend. I'm hoping to have two readings set up by then. It's in the works, but I can't give details yet. Needless to say, I'm thrilled about the idea of giving my first international readings.

This is going to be an expensive trip, and since I'm not made of money and my credit cards are nearly maxed, I'm going to be searching for other cash options. Maybe more freelancing for mags, editing, selling my body on street corners, etc. If anyone has some leads do pass them along. You have to pay for your thrills...and my thrills are expensive.


Nick said…
Gee, what I wouldn't give to get a roundtrip ticket to Italy for that price. Your trip sounds like its going to be fun. "Wuthering Heights"...huh! Sounds idyllic; have a good one!
Trick yourself out on gay.com; works for me!
What a price-- That will be a great trip. Hope you can work out the details on the readings.
Ivy said…
Yay! Let me know if you're swinging close by to Cardiff and we can meet up for a hot chocolate somewhere... Congrats on the cheap tix! :-)
Anonymous said…
I was trying to find tickets for Tampa and they were OUTRAGOEUS. I'm just not willing to pay it. Glad to hear you found a good deal -- that is most excellent!
Collin Kelley said…
If you guys have never looked for airline tickets here, I highly recommend it. Totally safe and the deals are amazing.

... Paige said…
Thanks for the plane tip. We are having to cancel our trip to DC in the fall. Death will do it pretty much every time. Happy weekend.
Anonymous said…
you lucky dog -- going to see the site of wuthering heights. say hi to the ghosts of heathcliff and kathy, and take lots of pics.

also, if you need $$$, i have a lot of e-mail from some very friendly folks who can give you LOW LOW INTEREST RATES NOW!
Congrats my friend! Have a great trip and send pictures! You know how much I adore pictures.

michi said…
heathcliff ... it's me ... *lalala*
enjoy the moors - when are you going, exactly?
i am thinking about going to london in the fall ...
Collin Kelley said…
Michi...i'll be over at the end of October and first part of November.
michi said…
i'll watch for updates here, re london readings. i was / am thinking about going to london around 26 october as it is a public holiday, would make a nice long weekend; but that is still a long way off. :)
Ivy said…
Hi Collin, just some travel tips before you get here, due to some recent unrest [euphemism there]. It'll probably all blow over before you get here but just in case it doesn't...

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