I got a report this afternoon that the Java team was in ninth place going into the finals this evening and that Jon Goode had placed third in the national individual slam! Fantastic news! I hope Atlanta can pull it off and go all the way. Both the Java team and the Art Amok team are fab. I'll post an update after I get the final results tomorrow.
Many, many thanks to Krys and everyone at HomeGround magazine in the UK for picking up two poems from Slow To Burn to feature in the new issue. I'm once again sharing pages with the great John Carder Bush.
Last night, I had dinner with some old friends, including Marge Tackes, who is one half of stand up comedy duo, The Untamed Shrews. I've known her and her sister Kathy for going on 10 years now I guess, and we always have a good laugh. Last night was no exception. The Shrews have been on the comedy circuit for years, doing their rauncy shows across the country and they've even appeared on Comedy Central. Marge also co-hosts a show in Chicago called Psycho Babble, which is also hilarious and politcally uncorrect. She brought a DVD of outtakes and we all laughed until we cried.
The new apartment is great. Everything is back in its proper place and I've only got a few pictures left to hang. It was definitely worth the hellishness of last weekend's move.
very impressed with your moving skills. we've been in our place for 6 years now and still have to open up some (pandora) boxes from the last move. heh.
have added you to my links, too ;)
The folks at HG have been so good to me over the years. I love them to pieces (hello Peter and Krys if you're reading). :)
Art Amok was GREAT... just didn't make it into the finals, but they were awesome nonetheless.
There's some good video posted as well (despite my lack of a tri-pod -- not too bad).