THE NEXT BOOK: While there's still much work to be done on the new poetry collection, the title is a keeper: Wake.
The title had been on my short list for months, but it moved to the top as I sequenced the work. At the moment, there are 57 poems divided into three sections along with a "prologue" and a "coda" that bookends the collection. The first section has a very defined narrative arc, the second wanders a bit and then the arc returns in the third. Half of the poems have never been published, and while I thought most of the work from Slow To Burn would find its way into the collection, only four of the poems made the cut. I'll be sending the manuscript out to a few trusted poets in the coming weeks to get their opinions.
Wake: to rouse from sleep; to keep a vigil over; the visible track of turbulence left by something moving through water; aftermath.
Don't kill the messenger. Lick the messenger.
(licks Eduardo anyway)
Read up on Bin at PW
I changed the name of "What Remains" to "Slow To Burn" (a very good move) to avoid sharing the title with a chapbook being publised at around the same time.
I have a back up title. Just in case. I believe in contingency plans.