POET LAUREATE OF THE BLOGOSPHERE: I just found out I've been nominated for 2007 Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere by BloggingPoet.com. What a scream! The two previous winners were Jilly Dybka and Ron Silliman -- both well known presences in blogland. Okay, guys, show me some love. Go to this link and give me a vote or two. Heeeeeeeeeee! Thanks to those who nominated me (I saw your name in there, Blue!) and to Billy the Blogging Poet for keeping this site on the radar.


Anonymous said…
Congrats, Collin. As of now, you're in the lead...
DeadMule said…
You are in the lead, but the fight will be fierce. I want you to know: I have a campaign slogan.

Helen Losse
Collin Kelley said…
Curse you, Helen. I'll come up with a better slogan. ;-)
DeadMule said…
First you threaten violence against Jenni's innocent hot tub, then you curse.

Oh Poetdom,
where now canst one find true virtue? It is not within Collin.
No, no. The goodness flies,
and evil looms o'er our beings
as we cast our votes
for honor Most High.
“Vote for Helen
cuz she wants ta win!”
Anonymous said…
This promises to be the hottest race to date. Lots of nominations of lots of great poets. And most of them know each other-- it's great fun.
Alex Gildzen said…
I haven't had this much fun since someone put Cialis-stuffd anchovies on my pizza.
michi said…
woo-hoo! congrats! :)

cialis-stuffed anchovies?? um ... what would happen if a girl ate that?

Anonymous said…
Well I voted SIX times. LOL. Twice for Collin, Helen, and Sam Rasnake. You're all deserving of the title in my opinion.

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