AJC HELPS ANSWER THE CALL: Just last week I posted a
call for submissions for poems about Atlanta's MARTA subway stations for a digital poetry project being organized by Georgia Tech. This week -- and specifically today -- the
Atlanta Journal & Constitution jumped on the bandwagon and have published a lengthy story and excerpts from some of the already chosen poems, including mine, and those by Lisa Allender and Laurel Snyder. The article and excerpts are already online
here and will appear in tomorrow's print edition on the front of the Living section. Very cool! Many thanks to
AJC writer Bo Emerson and Karen Head, who is organizing the project. I think she's going to have more submissions than she knows what to do with now.
I woke up this morning feeling awful. I worked from home (between fielding calls from the AJC) and pretty much laid on the couch watching Judge Judy and Oprah. I feel a bit better tonight...although the dreaded hour-long American Idol results show made me queasy all over again.
As predicted, the bottom two were Blake and LaKisha, and Miss Kiki got the boot. My lasting image of her (along with Cherryl calling her "hambone") will be from tonight's ridiculous Ford commercial the contestants are forced to film each week. Watching Kiki's big ass run down a backlot street being chased by a car was not pretty. At all.
Dont worry. Blake will go next week. Jordin and Melinda are going to be top two.