"This Is My Now," which was the winning entry for the songwriting competition, might be the worst piece of shit I've ever heard. It makes those other sickening, schmaltzy finale songs sound like fucking pop classics. I almost felt sorry for Blake and Jordin having to sing this crap, although Jordin sold it and even worked up some tears at the end. So much for the "public" writing a better song. Tragically, this will be the first single for whoever wins. If this was the best song of the bunch, just think of what the thousands of other songs sounded like. Good googly moogly. Okay, on to the performances:
Blake Lewis - He opened the show singing Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name," his beat-boxing showstopper from a few weeks ago. Remember when Sade sang it's never as good as the first time? Not even close. He was trying too hard and sounded a bit breathless as he jumped around the stage. For his second song, he chose Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved, which was safe and a bit listless. His falsetto was like a rake across a chalkboard. It was obvious he would have rather been chewing glass than singing "This Is My Now" and there was no passion in it at all.
Jordin Sparks - Jesus H. Christmas -- we know, we know, we fucking know Jordin is only 17. Why do they keep repeating it like no one has ever been 17 before? Anyway...she wisely chose Xtina's "Fighter," which is young and hip and it was a great vocal. I wanted her to prowl the stage a bit more and be animated but she stuck to the mic stand and sang the hell out of it. Her second song was "Broken Wing," which was one of her stellar performances from earlier in the season. She nailed it. Flawless. Simon said she mopped the floor with Blake on her tearful version of "This Is My Now." If I have to hear that shit on the radio, I'd rather hear her sing it.
Tomorrow is the finale. I'm still betting on Jordin to win. After tonight it should be a lock for her.
Jordin wins the show. But Blake kinda wins by not having to record that piece of shit crap garbage song. Jordin sang it as well as it could have been sung, but I have to wonder if that's kind of like being really good at a really crappy job -- eventually you realize that you're too good at the crappy job to ever get promoted, and you're screwed.
Confession: I didn't even hear half of Blake's version of This Is My Crap, because I was so busy shrieking out loud about what a terrible, awful, sucky song it was. And you know what, I'm really kind of pissed off about it.
The post and comments are great. I didn't watch the show but yeah, Jordin should win. I just couldn't get into it this season. Your posts are so much better than the damn show, for real.