BLOGGING FOR VRZHU: I was giddy as a school girl yesterday when VRZHU Press co-founder Dan Vera asked me to become an official guest blogger on their site, Bullets of Love. Dan asked me a few months ago to guest blog about my secret love for Yoko Ono. After I told Dan that I was digging Joan Armatrading's new album, he asked me again to contribute. I happily accepted the offer. Posted now are the reviews of Bjork's new album, Volta, and Armatrading's latest, Into the Blues. Dan and Michael Gushue have given me pretty much free reign to blog about poetry, music, films, etc. at Bullets of Love. Add the link to your blog now and check it often. And also please check out VRZHU Press' first two releases, The Kimnama by Kim Roberts and More Than Anything by Hiram Larew. It's always exciting to see a new indie press arrive on the scene. Dan and Michael are doing good work, and I'm pleased to be contributing in a small way.


Anonymous said…
Hi Coll--just back from Florida...Just read yo' Reviews--I'm inspired--gonna hop out tomorrow to get me some Joan Armatrading..your Review of Bjork has me intirgued, too! Keep up the great work!
Anonymous said…
Cool blog and good reviews. Bjork's new album kicks ass.

I recently got Bjork's new album and went into the Hebridean landscape to the sound of Earth Intruders. Nice to read your review.
Your post reminds me, I should get the new Bjork album for the bf.
Anonymous said…
Congrats! How fun.
Rachel Mallino said…
Collin, congrats - I'll save them to my favs.

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