THE BUSINESS OF WORDS, ETC: Just got back in from taping three new editions of The Business of Words, featuring Megan Volpert, Mike Dockins and Stephen Bluestone. A new podcast will be available each month at Leisure Talk Network starting in July with Megan, followed by Stephen in August and Mike in September. Next month, I'm interviewing Reb Livingston, PF Potvin and Shafer Hall. These interviews will roll out in October, November and December, which means I'm finished for the year. Today's interviews were great. I'll post a link when Megan's interview goes live in July.

Did you read this bullshit article in Time magazine last week? Yet another "poetry is dead" piece. Ugh! If poetry is so dead why do they keep writing about it? And why do they assign sarcastic idiots like Lev Grossman to do the coverage? According to this piece, if you sell 30 copies of a book of poetry it's a bestseller. In that case, I'm up there in Danielle Steele and Stephen King territory. What a load of old shit.

Wake has officially left the nest. Fingers crossed.


Arlene said…
those interviews sound fab, collin — i look forward to listening to them.

and hey, look at who's been living prolifically! congrats on the tons of acceptances. woooohoooo!

Anonymous said…
Coll, Lisa Allender here, saying YEAH! I did read that Time article and I think that Grossman fella was --at the end--throwing down a gauntlet of challenge to poets to write something he deems "interesting"...
Although some of the HISTORY of poetry he details is correct, he came to very invalid conclusions...
He never mentioned, for instance, the popularity of Def Jam Poetry(which won ONY only a few years ago!);the fact that Poetry sales are UP in regions like the South and the West(particularly California). He might've made mention of the fact that the South has a huge Literary tradition which usually influences the REST of the country, and the fact that trends often flow from California, as well. Not that poetry HAS to be "popular". Part of the FUN is that it's a bit "exclusive"--not in a dry, academic, "you-don't-get-it" way, but in a "communion" way--like a sacrament, something to be performed, to be experienced--one-on-one...

I am writing a letter to Time, BTW. Oh yeah--I'll be mentioning a favorite poet of mine in the Letter to the Editor:Atlanta poet, Collin Kelley.
Anonymous said…
Uh,sorry-- that should read "which won a TONY..." in my (Lisa's) comment, above......
Collin Kelley said…
Arlene. you are still the master. :)

Lisa, it was just a piss-poor article.
Kate Evans said…
It's so great you got the manuscript out there! It's SO GOOD.

Anonymous said…
It's probably good that someone writes about how worthless poetry is every once in a while, as poets have huge egos and need to be put into check every so often.

otherwise, it was pretty dumb, yeah.
Wishing the best for your manuscript!
Anonymous said…
good luck
Charles said…
I published one of Mike Dockins's poems in HFR back when I was editor. It was hot. I love that poem.
Collin Kelley said…
Mike's new book "Slouching in the Path of a Comet" is excellent reading. I highly recommend it!

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