I snapped this yesterday afternoon on my way home from work at the corner of Piedmont and North avenues in downtown. Notice the sign: 501 degrees! Not quite, but it sure as hell feels like it. 103 degrees today and I was running all over town taking photos for the mag. I'm now sitting in my undies with the AC cranked down to 65. Ain't life grand...
I snapped this yesterday afternoon on my way home from work at the corner of Piedmont and North avenues in downtown. Notice the sign: 501 degrees! Not quite, but it sure as hell feels like it. 103 degrees today and I was running all over town taking photos for the mag. I'm now sitting in my undies with the AC cranked down to 65. Ain't life grand...
ditto on the sending it in. I vote for Letterman.
u made me laugh on a bad day. thank u so much baby.