I am determined to take only a carry-on for this trip because I hate checking bags, especially international. I've become adept at cramming a week's worth of clothes in a roll-aboard and I'm a total believer in doing laundry on the go. I'm not taking the laptop either. There's a laundrette and Internet cafe just around the corner from the hotel, so I'll have clean clothes and be able to blog and check email regularly without lugging the computer.
The itinerary for this trip is pretty much wall to wall from the moment I arrive. I'll be reading at the Lewes Poetry Cafe in Sussex on Friday evening, seeing some of the Kate Bush Forum folk over the weekend, driving up to Cambridge with friends, queuing up to meet Doctor Who at HMV on Oxford Street, going to the London Poetry Cafe open mic, hopefully seeing a film or two and the reading at Borders Books. Chockablock as they say across the pond. I'm very excited.
I just wrote about the earthquake on my blog
anyway, have fun! lots of it! looking forward to laundrette stories,
We'll miss you here.Happy traveling, reading/performing, and of course--writing!