Michaela Gabriel's new chapbook The Secret Meanings of Greek Letters (pictured) is now available from Dancing Girl Press. It's a gorgeous little book full of amazing poems. You can buy it directly from the press at this link. Check out some of their other titles, too.
Charles Jensen's new chapbook, The Strange Case of Maribel Dixon, will be out any second now. His last book, Living Things, was one of my favorite reads. Keep an eye on his blog for ordering info. Get both!
Reb Livingston's cup runneth over. Not only is the new No Tell Motel anthology out now, Reb's new collection Your Ten Favorite Words is also available from Coconut Press. The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel: Second Floor is available via Lulu.com at this link, while you can pick up Reb's book directly from Coconut here.
Shanna Compton's new micropress Bloof Books has reprinted Jennifer Knox's Drunk by Noon and Shanna's latest, For Girls (& Others). Support the indies!!!
Megan Volpert (aka Dr. Madelyn Hatter) has a funny little chap from MetroMania Press called Domestic Transmission. Publisher Tanya Keyser did another incredible job of designing this limited edition. You can also check and see if MetroMania has any copies of my Slow To Burn.
Sure, you can read MiPOesias online, but you know you want a hard copy, too. Especially the latest issue which features fabulous poems and extremely hot poets, like Barbara Jane Reyes, Miguel Murphy and Jenni Russell's interview with Billy Collins. Buy it here.

Minus Five (aka Sarah Coffman) is selling her beautiful photographs at her own Etsy store. The black and white images of New York during the blizzard taken with a Holga camera are stunning. I ordered one of the Brooklyn Bridge and it arrived over the weekend. It's going to look beautiful on my wall.
Cherryl Floyd-Miller's hot new collection Exquisite Heats isn't out from Salt Press until next year, but she's got three titles you can order from Lulu right now: Utterance: A Museology of Kin (her first collection); her award-winning play, Settling Sophia; and a collection of haiku, Metropolis. Visit her blog at this link to see the covers and links for ordering.
Finally, if you haven't purchased a copy of my CD HalfLife Crisis, well shame on you. It's available from CD Baby and on iTunes. The CD features music from Denton Perry and has poems from both Better To Travel and Slow To Burn.
Get to shopping, folks!
I'm particularly excited about Cherryl's "Metropolis"--I did not recall she was into Haiku. I love that form.
Not exactly having a geekgasm...but not totally hating the idea, either.