On Saturday, I went to Covent Garden and met up with some of the Kate Bush Forum members. That evening was the meet up, which turned out to be kind of a bust. There were only about 20 of us and it was all guys. It was lovely to see familiar faces, but it definitely lacked the energy and fun of the last two. The pub owners at The Castle were very kind to open the upstairs room, but I think they got the shaft on the deal. They didn't charge a fee, thinking around 50 people would be there drinking lots of alcohol. I had three Jack and Cokes, which is about my limit these days. I know, I know...lightweight. If there is a meet up next year in London it will be small and informal and probably at someones home. Chances are, my trip to the UK next year will be over the summer.
Yesterday, I met up with my friends Donna, Krys and Peter and we drove up to Cambridge, which is absolutely beautiful. We met up with more friends -- Neal, Rebecca and Lesley -- at The Eagle pub in the heart of the town. The Eagle, by the by, was where the announcement was made of the discovery of DNA by local scientists in 1953 (pictured) and where RAF crews would come in for drinks during WWII. We had a delicious meal, lots of laughs and then took a stroll around the city during the evening. The churches were so beautiful. It's an ancient town that has retained the majority of it buildings. One church we stopped at had been there since 1160 or some such. The Eagle pub had been there since the 1500s. I felt surrounded by history. It was amazing to spend the day with these friends of mine in such a beautiful place. I hope to have some photos of this trip up at the weekend. On the way back into London, we got caught up in a road accident and sat on the M11 for an hour. I didn't get back to the hotel until midnight and crashed out immediately.
Today, I'm going to take it easy. I might go see a film and do a bit more shopping. I'm actually thinking of going back up to the room for a nap...and it's only 10:30 a.m. More on Wednesday.