It's impossible to count Hilly out, because those Clintons are at their best when their backs are against the wall. Hilly just managed to pull out a win in the New Hampshire primary, but the margin was narrow. McCain won the Republican primary, but his victory speech was so boring -- he was reading it directly from a piece of paper, and not very well -- it seemed incongruent to the crazies screaming "Mac is back" in the audience. Fuckabee, after a big win in Iowa, came in third. The Repubes are still all over the place. Obama gave yet another stirring, moving speech while conceding to Clinton. He makes me believe change is possible. It's definitely a two (wo)man race for the Dems. Who knows what will happen in South Carolina. I like Obama, but trust me, whoever has the (D) by their name on Nov. 4 is getting my vote. 


Hi Coll, yeah, I hear you, Obama IS the charismatic man for change, fer sure...I always feel like I'm going to cry(in a good way) when he speaks...
I wish Hillary was less "status quo" in some of her votes(supporting the Iraq War, for example), but of course, when all is said and done--the next Prez. has got to be Democrat... as my Mom said "Well, ANYone[of the Dems'Candidates] would be better than what we have right now!"
Anonymous said…
i can't say that i'm a hillary fan -- her support of the war, the sense of entitlement, etc. -- but you're right, she's better than the gop field combined.
Justin Evans said…
Unfortunately, there will never be a real Democrat victory so long as we are not voting 'for' a Dem rather than merely voting 'against' the GOP.
DeadMule said…
Hi Collin, You are so right about the (D). Helen
Collin Kelley said…
Justin, sad but true, but after eight years of Bush, I'd vote in a house plant if it had a (D) by its name.
Name: Kevin said…
You're right about the house plant. How about a nice fern. Sure would look nice on the desk during a prime time speech.
Pris said…
It's any democrat for me, too! It's exciting to see how this shapes up. I grew up in South Carolina and follow my hometown blog. Based on some of the comments and articles in it, I would be very surprised if Obama doesn't take the state and very surprised if Hilary did. Our primaries aren't until towards the end of the month and I'm still on the fence with my choice.
Unknown said…
I just watched the Dem NH debate on youtube (10 parts!) and I have to say: Hillary makes the most sense. There are times when Obama (and Edwards) stir me, but when I really think about what they are saying sometimes Obama and Edwards are just orating...inciting passion, etc...This is important, but once you are in office, you have to actually do stuff - you can't just talk. I am leaning to HRC at this moment, but like you, whoever has the D in Nov. also gets my vote. I just hope at some point those boys can stop being so sexist, calling out Hillary's clothes and emotions (PWADJ pipe dream)...Thank God that behind that tight stony face of hers there IS a sense of humor.

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