AFTER THE POISON PHOTO SHOOT: BFF's Brent and Kathy came over this afternoon and we went to Atlanta's beautiful Oakland Cemetery to do the photo shoot for
After the Poison. Once again Brent did an amazing job of making me slimmer and better looking than I am in real life. The image at right is one of the out takes from the shoot. If you click on it, you'll see I'm squinty-eyed and rain-splattered, but still not a bad shot. The one I'm actually using for the back cover and PR is one of the better photos anyone has ever taken of me. I may use it forever. Kathy wound up being the hand model for the cover. Brent got some amazing photos of the antique poison bottle about to slip from her fingers. I'll post some more out takes tomorrow.
It was a cool, cloudy, drizzly day, so we decided to make the shoot quick and dirty. We were at the cemetery for an hour and Brent took over 100 images of both me and the bottle. It helped that I had a good idea of what I wanted for the cover and Brent seems to be able to translate my thoughts into actual photographs. I cannot tell you how happy I am with the results. Tomorrow, BFF Liz is going to clean up the photos and do a cover mock up to send to Finishing Line Press.
When I got home from the photo shoot, I had an email from Lambda Award-winning poet Jim Elledge. I had asked if he would consider blurbing After the Poison. He read it last week and I must tell you I got a little verklempt over his blurb.
Handsome & smart.
congrats on the blurb. it's something i can totally appreciate, getting all verklempt about it.
Hey, what was Elledge's blurb?!?
Karen, it's not really pensive. More like it's raining and cold and I'd rather be sitting on the couch so hurry up and take the fucking picture. :)