American Idol 7 - Chikezie Come, Chikezie Go

The bottom three was a bit of a shock. I knew Jacuzzi would be there, but Syesha Mercado and Jason Castro? Wha-wha-what?! I figured Carly would be there, but survive, and it would be a dead heat for the bus home between Chiky and Ramiele Malubay. I think the judges constant picking on her is causing a pity effect with voters at home. I mean, seriously, who is voting for this little no-talent? She's an emotionless drone.
Before Chikiboomboom got the heave-ho, there was the stupid Ford commercial, the call in Q&A and Kimberley Locke from season two singing her pretty, yet pedestrian new single. She's also lost 40 pounds (thanks to an appearance on VH-1's Celebrity Fit Club) and runs a restaurant "outside of Manhattan." Which is where exactly? Jersey? There was also plenty of pimping for Apple, iTunes and MacBook Air. I really can't say much here since I'm part of the Apple cult now. All hail Steve Jobs...may I kiss your ring, sir? The group sing was weird, but tuneful. The girls sang Right Back Where We Started From, while the guys did nearly non-existent back up and danced around like a bunch of clowns. I wonder if Paula is doing the choreography? I'm just sayin...
Next week Dolly Parton "mentors" the Top 9. I can already sense a train wreck.
i haven't been following "ai" closely this year, but the thought of anyone singing "9-to-5" sends shivers down my spine.
also, have you thought of doing these recaps for "the hills"? or "top chef"? or "monday night football"?
As for other recaps, I don't know if I want to commit or eat up more space on the blog with reviewing another show every week. Doing AI every week for five months is plenty. lol
I pray to God no one sings "I'll Always Love You."
CK, I hope you're not going to hate on Dolly. She's fab.
Dustin, I love Dolly, so I won't hate on her. I hope she's not too nice to tell this bunch of no-talents they are fucking up her songs and get it right or she'll bitch slap them with her giant ta tas.