It was another hour elimination show and that meant 57 minutes of padding, self-congratulations, that inane Q&A with people calling in to ask pre-screened questions, the cheesy Ford commercial and another embarrassing group sing featuring the songs of The Beatles. Watching the boys sing While My Guitar Gently Weeps made me want to sob. I can't even remember what the girls sang, but Ramiele's microphone was switched off. Oh, well... Kellie Pickler from season five showed up to sing her country song Red High Heels and act like a total ditz. She actually sounds better now than she did when she was on the show.
The "mentors" for the Top 10 were revealed: Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Andrew Lloyd Webber (?!) and Neil Diamond. Damn it! I would have loved to hear Amanda rip up Love On the Rocks. Instead, we're stuck with Kristy Lee for another week. Jesus...vote her out America! Get with the program.
In twenty years she'll be that neighbor down the street in the trailer park who smokes too much and bullies her kids into going to the corner market to buy her a carton of Lucky's and some monostat 7; pretends she raised you and insists you call her "Aunt Amanda"
In ten years she'll be trying to pretend she's still 'got it' with all the guys who are 10-15 years younger than she is and still screaming "I'm an idol" when she has sex with the new barflies in town. After, she'll make crude jokes in front of the neighborhood kids after her latest 'boyfriend' has skipped town.
In five years she'll be arrested for beating up one Kristy Lee Cook after one of Kristy's appearances at a state fair. She will, in a plea bargan, plead guilty to drunk and disorderly conduct and no-contest to battery.
Right now, she's half-way through her second case of Jack Daniels.
Opinions are like assholes: everybody's got one.
Love the way it criticizes one (hilarious, methought) Justin Evans for imagining someone's future life and then turns around and imagines Justin's life as "sad," "full of nonsense," and "very boring dull." And then proclaims it all as "scarry" [sic] without ever getting a clue.
You sound like one more good time, honey. zzzzzzzzz
Wellllll, I guess......oh kay.....sahwee....
(that was just so MEAN, though!)
oh, yeah, american idol. are the 30 million people voting all hypnotized or smoking crack? you bet it is! it's part singing contest, part homecoming queen vote, part democracy at work.
remember, if this country could elect bush twice (well, one time), they'll vote for anyone.
And your poem......It was beautiful. I loved it. Thanks so much.
Cuz I always know somebody who could use a good ass-kick.
Congrats on continuing your "no censorship", Collin. You're the best!