With publication looming, I have already started laying some ground work for readings both domestic and international. I got an invitation to read in New York last night in October, so that's in the works, and I also plan to return to the UK and, fingers crossed, Berlin. I've also been talking to several poetry pals who have new books coming out soon to hash out some joint readings, including the delovely and delicious Karen Head, whose My Paris Year chapbook will be out in September. It's going to be a very busy year. I cannot believe we're already into March.
In other poetry news, my folder of "ready" poems is empty. Not only is new work forthcoming in Atlanta Review, but also LocusPoint, a special edition of MiPOesias and the new print journal, Motel 58. I am swooning over this spate of acceptances and solicitations. Many, many thanks to the mags and editors.
The publication of After the Poison has given me the chance to revisit the manuscript for my full collection, known as Wake. It's still out at a couple of contests, but I'm ready to tweak it again and find a new title before it goes anywhere else. It's not a major revision...just pulling out a few poems that have been bugging me and adding a few new ones in, along with a slight change in the pacing. As for the title, I have a new one in mind that I'm not ready to share. I sorta wish I'd never mentioned Wake as a potential title in the first place.
This weekend I'm chained to the desk working on the Java Monkey Speaks anthology. Since I haven't posted a Weekend Music selection in awhile, I though I would introduce you to Welsh singer, Duffy. Her single, Mercy, has been number one in the UK for weeks now. She's like Dusty and Lulu all rolled into one. I'm totally digging that 60s vibe.
You can count on me to pre-order. I should have my book to you by then which means you will have an address to give finishing line for a postcard.
If something happens and I can't get mine to you befoe, just e-mail me for my address.
Congratulations on all the other news, too. Way to go!
Duffy has that Amy Winehouse thing going on. I like it.
Congrats on all the new work, too!