Weekend Report

Another Saturday, another day of feeling exhausted and under the weather. I didn't leave my apartment yesterday, just sat on the couch feeling lethargic and unmotivated to do anything. I made some dinner and returned to the couch. I missed Louise Robertson's reading at Mocha Match, but I literally couldn't get off the couch. 

Today, I slept late and then rushed around to get to an Atlanta Queer Lit Fest meeting that I had forgotten had been moved to next Sunday. I'm standing outside the Ponce de Leon Library with all my crap going..."where the fuck is everyone?"

I managed to get some copies of After the Poison packaged up for folks who have asked for review copies and those are going in the mail tomorrow. There's also a lot of little naggy projects to finish up, like more paperwork for the Poetry Atlanta grant, a manuscript editing project that I cannot seem to focus on and getting the rest of my fall reading schedule lined up. 

And then there's this. Hmmm...


Zero Hour Press?
Hmmmm.the name works on several levels:
"zero" as in time-less, or late-night
"zero" as in "ground-zero", or the biggest spot of import
"zero" as in "zero-ed out", subtracted from something. I'm sure there are other meanings, but these are the ones that popped into my head. I'm truly curious what this is. When I clicked it on, all I could see was "it's coming..."
If you are attempting to build suspense,Coll,mission accomplished. For real.
And I surely hope you feel better soon. Good Peppermint Tea works wonders, as does a bit of Green Tea!
mmmmhmmmm ;)
Middle Ditch said…
This made a little depressing reading. Chin up, it's summer
Collin Kelley said…
David, it's 100 F in the shade and I hate summer. lol I'm keeping my chin down until autumn returns.
Rachel Mallino said…
Looks like a very cool site, Collin - I'll be interested to see more. I hope you feel better...it's hot as hell here too and does not make for a happy rachel.
Anonymous said…
Hope you feel better soon

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