When it don't come easy...
I've been humming that Patty Griffin song all week, mainly because I have been absolutely stymied when it comes to writing a new poem. I've either had no time, no inspiration or just a general malaise when it comes to poetry in general, which is especially distressing since I should be promoting After the Poison.
I am hoping that since my busy reading/signing period doesn't begin until Labor Day weekend, that I can devote this month to putting down some of the disjointed lines and thoughts I have floating around my overworked brain into a coherent poem. Cecilia Woloch is coming into town this fall for a couple of readings and will probably do a workshop, and I'm going to sit in. Cecilia has always been a motivator for me, and I need some fresh ideas.
I did a quick reading last night at the 50 Artists event at Eyedrum and then rushed over to Eddie's Attic in Decatur for the benefit for Sylvia Cross' daughter, Desiree, who is fighting leukemia. I didn't realize they were selling tickets online and it was totally sold out by the time I got there. On one hand I was disappointed, but on the other thrilled that so many showed up and raised a ton of cash. Emily Saliers from Indigo Girls did a solo set and I heard it was the highlight of the evening.
This weekend I plan to be invisible.
Enjoy some "quiet time" for yourself, honey!
I just received my "After The Poison" and am reading it now!