Tina Fey as Sarah Palin in VP Debate on SNL!

The funniest skit so far with Tina Fey laying waste to Sarah Palin's performance at the debate. Queen Latifah is inspired and hilarious as debate moderator Gwen Ifill.


Maggie May said…
loved Queen Latifah as the moderator, she has the best face.
Liz said…
Thanks for posting this Collin - fantastic - had the biggest laugh watching it - she is the spitting image of S.P. in every way!
Joel Odom said…

Peter said…
This was great.
Maverick = beer!
Anne Haines said…
I just about peed my pants when I realized Queen Latifah AND Tina Fey were on. Be still my heart! ;)

Tina Fey is a freaking genius. Love her so much.
newzoopoet said…
Queen Latifah as Gwen was AWESOME! Pretty lame writing for Tina Fey though. There was SO much more they could have done to mock Sarah Palin (ex: "say it ain't so, Joe"). But the Joe Biden part was beautiful (and I *like* Joe Biden). Better yet was the Barney Frank/Nancy Pelosi/ George W. skit. Kudos to SNL for exposing the Democrat responsibility for this financial mess! And though I never thought I'd say it, kudos to Alex Baldwin on Bill Maher for the same. Peace. :)
newzoopoet said…
Alec. Sorry.
DeadMule said…
I think Tina Fey looks more like Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin does. She is so funny. McCain said Sarah is enjoying these. Whatever.
Anonymous said…
all things considered, it's not surprising that the GOP won't schedule any more unscripted air time for Palin

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