American Idol 8 - Top 9 Results
I almost had a three-of-a-kind on my pick for the bottom three on American Idol tonight: Allison Iraheta wound up there along with Anoop and Megan Joy, who gave a shout out to Vote for the Worst by doing the "caw-caw" bird call on her way to the bottom three stool. VFTW has never let anyone forget her bizarre crow call after performing "Rockin Robin" a few weeks back. It was hilarious. Sadly, even the Worsters couldn't save Megan after last night. Fly home, birdie. Last year's winner, Dave Cook, performed. He sounded and looked good, but the song is a yawn (sorry Cookie Cougars). Lady GaGa can actually sing and did a high-energy performance of her hit "Poker Face" with a zipper over one eye. Don't ask me.