The Path Worn in the Grass

On Saturday, May 30, I'll be one of many Atlanta poets taking part in a marathon reading of Walt Whitman's Song of Myself. The event, The Path Worn in the Grass, will be held at Composition Gallery to celebrate Uncle Walt's 190th birthday. Rupert Fike, Tania Rochelle, Kodac Harrison, Megan Volpert, Karen G., Theresa Davis and many, many more will be taking part. Poetry Atlanta is a co-sponsor.

The long, Memorial Day weekend has been a working one for me. I selected poems for the Twitter issue of OCHO I'm guest editing with Didi Menendez and final edits for Conquering Venus. I also managed to watch a couple of movies ā€“ Mamma Mia! (corny as hell) and Lars Von Trier's Europa (bizarre, but well done) ā€“ and finished watching the third series of Skins on DVD. BFF Joy is coming up for din-din and we might go see a movie. That is all.


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