Amazon rank, blog tour & Espresso Book Machine
Got a note from Kimberlee at Vanilla Heart today that Conquering Venus already has a sales ranking in the 50,000 range at, which means out of the four million titles (thereabouts), I'm number 50,000 on the list. Today, anyway. Thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered and if you haven't already please consider doing so.
There's now a Facebook fan page for Conquering Venus, which you can find at this link.
I, sadly, won't be attending the West Hollywood Book Fair this year. Vanilla Heart submitted my name, along with the fabulous Kate Evans, for reading spots and we were not selected. Instead, I'm going to focus on regional readings and signings -- North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and New Orleans are in the works -- and then began going further afield to places like D.C., New York, Texas and the West.
I've set up a dozen stops on the Conquering Venus blog book tour. There will be Q&As, guest posts and maybe even some video action. I'll be announcing stops on the tour soon.
Along with the novel being available at Kindle and other eBook sites, Vanilla Heart will also make it available for the Espresso Book Machine. Read the recent article and watch the video above on how a perfect bound paperback book can be made in minutes while the customer waits at a bookstore, coffee house, or just about anywhere.
Espresso Books sounds like a great idea.