Weekend Readings

My eye infection has cleared up, so at least I can perform this weekend at the Decatur Book Festival without looking like someone punched me in the face. I was planning to put on some big Jackie O. sunglasses (or maybe like mascot Bookzilla) if the meds hadn't kicked in.
I'm also planning to be at the DBF Twitter event (that's a tweetup for those who know the lingo) on Saturday evening at Twain's in Decatur around 6:30 p.m. Come by and say hello.
Copies of the novel have been sent out to a ton of places for reviews by me and Vanilla Heart, and I'm hoping they will appear in the coming weeks/months. My life has been pretty much consumed by promoting the novel, setting up readings, etc. One day, maybe I can hire a publicist to handle readings, etc. for me. In the meantime, little work has been done on the sequel, but I have a good idea of what will happen in the third book.
Yes to the publicist. For the next ones, right?
See you later today. :-)