Notes & Notions: American Idol, Nashville, head colds

As I said in a previous post, I've dithered over recapping American Idol's new season, which begins on Jan. 12. It's a major time commitment and I generally start feeling recap fatigue in April. However, I now have renewed purpose, plus a new home for the recaps at Project Q Atlanta -- the online news and entertainment source for the city's LGBT community. It will give my snark-filled rants a much bigger audience and, hopefully, create some healthy debate and humor. The recaps will appear first on Project Q and then post here on the blog. Many thanks to Matt and Mike at Q for their support.

I'll be in Nashville on Thursday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m. for a reading from Conquering Venus at OutCentral, the city's LGBT cultural center, followed by a book signing at OutLoud Books. OutCenteral is at 1709 Church St. and the bookstore just next door. If you're in Nashville, please stop by and say hello!

The future of book tours is pretty grim. Just read this article in The Indie Reader about why tours are becoming an endangered species. I'm having to take a good look at my budget for early 2010. I have a feeling that some of the readings/signings may have to be cancelled. The economy might be showing signs of improvement, but it hasn't made money magically appear in my bank account.

My cold -- which is finally dissipating -- was one of the worst ever. It's lingered on for a week, and now I just have a little cough. I'm taking mucinex to help clear up my chest. I think I'm going to get a flu shot when I return from Nashville. If this cold is any indication of the winter cold/flu season, then I need to get a booster.


Anne Haines said…
Enjoy Nashville! I haven't spent much time there (and most of the time I have spent has been inside the Sommet Center, heh) but that town just gives me a good feeling. Hope to get back there for some proper sightseeing in the next few months.

Hope your cold continues to retreat! So many bugs going around this year... yuck.
Congrats on having your Idol recaps on the Project Q site!
Anonymous said…
That is so f'ing cool that you're recaps are going to be on Project Q. Give RodHo and EW a run for their money.

Tania Rochelle said…
Sounds to me like you've already done your flu stint. My post-swine cough lasted a month.

So glad you're blogging the Idol.
christine said…
I agree with Tania–it sounds like you had swine flue. Poor guy. My son had it, and it wiped him out for a week. It was back when I missed our last dinner.

It makes me sad to think you won't be able to do as many readings. Where have all the patrons gone?
Glad to hear "Q" is using you! Yeaaa!

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