Friday Bits

Read an eBook Week continues through Saturday and to celebrate Smashwords is offering 25% off the already low price of $4.99 for the eBook version of Conquering Venus. Vanilla Heart Publishing is offering the discount to all its titles, which you can see at this link.

Congratulations to my poetry pal Maudelle Driskell, who has been named executive director of The Frost Place in New Hampshire. And Poetry Atlanta and Atlanta Review founder Dan Veach has won the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize from Evansville Review for "The Sea-Farer" from the Anglo-Saxon. Woot!

It still boggles my mind that authors ā€“ especially new ones ā€“ think that a press is going to do all the work for them and they just have to show up at readings and collect royalty checks. This attitude is still pervasive in both poetry and fiction.

There's also plenty of hand-wringing over whether or not books are getting into brick and mortar stores. Since many of those are closing and downsizing, this is no longer where a lot of energy needs to be placed. Online book sales and purchases of eBooks continue to skyrocket. Or, you could self-pub to Kindle and become a millionaire like Amanda Hocking. She's sold 455,000 books this year alone and raked in all the profits. How many books have you sold?

I've moved into the rewriting/editing process on Remain in Light before it goes off to my editor. And you can bet-your-by-golly-wow we're going to be pushing the eBook version when it comes out.


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