Friday bits
Wednesday night/Thursday morning was a storytelling/poetry endurance test. I filled in for Tania Rochelle at the Chatterbox reading on Wednesday night at The Green Room Actor's Lounge (a combination theater/film bookstore, coffee shop and performance space) and told a story about one of my London adventures. Great audience, great space. Then, just a few hours later, I met up with Cleo Creech, his partner, Rob, and Lisa Allender for a reading and videotaping at the Museum of Design Atlanta (MODA) to coincide with World AIDS Day. MODA hosted 24 hours of events to mark Dec. 1 and we filmed from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. The gallery space was filled with empty chairs with the names of poets and writers lost to AIDS. I read some of my own work and pieces by Paul Monette and Essex Hemphill. If you're in Atlanta, stop by MODA this month to see the Graphic Intervention: 25 Years of International AIDS Posters exhibition as well as panels from The AIDS Memorial Quilt. It's all very moving. I'll post videos soon.
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I have four poems in the latest issue of online literary magazine, Eye Socket Journal.
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I signed the contract for my next poetry collection, Render, which will be published by Sibling Rivalry Press in April 2013. I'm thrilled to be working with Bryan Borland and to be with such a fantastic poetry family at SRP!
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I may have to set aside the London memoir and start on the third book in The Venus Trilogy. My plan was to take a break after Remain In Light and write something else, but Martin and IrĆØne keep whispering ideas and dialogue to me in my dreams.
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Rita Dove reads critic Helen Vendler the riot act in The New York Review of Books.
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Lana Del Rey's new song "Born to Die" on constant repeat.
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I have four poems in the latest issue of online literary magazine, Eye Socket Journal.
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I signed the contract for my next poetry collection, Render, which will be published by Sibling Rivalry Press in April 2013. I'm thrilled to be working with Bryan Borland and to be with such a fantastic poetry family at SRP!
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I may have to set aside the London memoir and start on the third book in The Venus Trilogy. My plan was to take a break after Remain In Light and write something else, but Martin and IrĆØne keep whispering ideas and dialogue to me in my dreams.
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Rita Dove reads critic Helen Vendler the riot act in The New York Review of Books.
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Lana Del Rey's new song "Born to Die" on constant repeat.