Wednesday Bits

Out In Print posted a brilliant review of Remain in Light today. Many, many thanks to Jerry Wheeler for such a nuanced and intelligent read on the novel. Here's an excerpt:

Remain in Light is a wonderfully dark, sombre mystery steeped in Parisian culture as well as American know-how, creating its own little world youā€™ll be glad to inhabit.

You can read the entire review at this link.

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Friend and fellow poet Megan Volpert is still seeking poetry submissions for the anthology This assignment is so gay: LGBTIQ Poets on the Art of Teaching, which will be published by Sibling Rivalry Press in 2013. The submission period remains open through June 1, 2012. For  guidelines visit,

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I'm co-hosting two readings for the A Face to Meet the Faces persona poems anthology here in Atlanta. First up is Tuesday, May 22,  7 p.m. at the Toco Hills Library and again on Wednesday, May 23, 7:30 p.m. at Bound to Be Read Books. The featured poets will include Dan Albergotti, Nagueyalti Warren, Adam Vines, L. Lamar Wilson and co-editor Stacey Lynn Brown. More details about both soon.

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A historic day for America as President Obama proclaims his support for same-sex marriage.


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