"Render" update

The PDF galley of my poetry collection, Render, is already out to a number of reviewers ahead of the April release from Sibling Rivalry Press. If you're interested in reviewing the collection for your blog, a magazine/journal or website contact me at collinkelley@gmail.com and I'll send it along. Pre-orders for Render also begin soon. Very soon.

Vanessa Daou ā€“ musician, muse, fellow poet ā€“ has written a lovely blurb for the book, too. Here's a snip:

Kelley's elegiac, soaring series of poems, serve as an open invitation to join him on his brave, ribald romp across the landscape of his memory. 

You can read the full blurb and others at the Render page at Sibling Rivalry Press.

My calendar of readings is filling up fast. The collection will be officially launched at the Rainbow Book Fair in NYC on April 13. I'll be reading and signing books. More details on that and other readings soon.


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