New work in Diode Poetry Journal

I am thrilled to have a poem,”Ritual,” in the new issue of Diode. I am sharing space with so many great poets including:

Cynthia Atkins, Wendy Barker, Mary Biddinger, Victoria Chang, Andrea Cohen, Wyn Cooper, Peter Dabbene, Raphael Dagold, Darren Demaree, J.P. Dancing Bear, David Ellis Dickerson, Jehanne Dubrow, Theresa Senato Edwards, Jane Flett, Teow Lim Goh, James Harms, Karen Paul Holmes, J. Rogan Kelly, Jill Khoury, David Kirby, Ellen Kombiyil, Daniel Lawless, Keegan Lester, Amelia Martens, David McAleavey, Momina Mela, Tyler Mills, Caroline Orth, Philip Schaefer, Shann Ray, Ira Sukrungruang, Sarah Trudgeon, Marco Yan and Martha Zweig.

Many thanks to Patty Paine for including me in this issue!


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