Virtual reading, radio interview & more

 I'm excited to join fellow poets Diannely Antigua and AE Hines on Wednesday, June 12, at 7 p.m. EST for a evening of virtual poetry hosted by the Wild and Precious Life Series. Many thanks to Dustin Brookshire for the invite. I'll be reading selections from Wonder & Wreckage, which has somehow been in the world for a month-and-a-half. I hope you'll tune in for a listen via Zoom. More readings ā€“ both virtual and live ā€“ are on the way, so watch this space. 

In May, I was asked to take part in Atlanta NPR station WABE's special feature "Speaking of Poetry," hosted by the inimitable Lois Reitzes as part of her daily City Lights program. You can listen to the program here and get some insights on the creation of Wonder & Wreckage

I'm back in Michigan for the summer and ruminating over my next project(s), including the long simmering short story collection and a fourth novel in the Venus series. 

One project that is full-steam ahead is an anthology of poetry inspired by Stevie Nicks. I'll be co-editing the volume with Megan Volpert and it will be out in 2026. A call for submissions will be going out this Halloween. Get your shawls, boots, tambourines, and crystal visions in order, poets. 

More soon!


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