Help Save Wordsmiths Books

Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I have a close relationship with the folks over at Wordsmiths Books in Decatur. Poetry Atlanta has partnered with them for more than a year and owner Zach Steele and marketing/publicity guru Russ Marshalek are friends and my go-to guys when it comes to literary events. Wordsmiths also got me back in the habit of actually buying my books in a brick and mortar store, rather than relying on Amazon. Today, Russ sent an email saying Wordsmiths is in trouble and may close. I nearly lost my shit.
So, basically, I am asking you on Wordsmiths' behalf to make a donation to the store. They have set up a PayPal account on the homepage of their website at Any amount will help. I am also going to help round up some poets and writers for a reading during a fundraising weekend they will have Aug. 15 - 17. More on this soon.
You may live out of state or you may have never been to Wordsmiths, but trust me when I tell you this indie bookstore is worth saving. It's a dying breed and I just cannot stand the idea of this great shop -- which cares so much about local authors, personal attention and digs poetry -- just disappearing. Please, please, please consider making a donation today.
I'll contribute, and I'll email some other poets and supposed interested people - may overlap with you but what the heck.
Thanks for doing this.
Sam Gainor, Midtown Atlanta