Christian Terrorists; Cheney Goes Gay

The radical anti-abortion movement -- comprised of the Christian right-wing fringe of this country -- murdered Dr. George Tiller on Sunday morning in Tiller's own church.  While there is an "alleged" triggerman, Scott Roeder, he is nothing more than the face of the radical right that hypocritically commits homicide in "God's name." They're doing it for the BABIES! The Christian fringe are terrorists, whether it's shooting doctors or their hate-filled harangues outside the funerals of servicemen.  For all the railing done by the right about terrorists, we have our own faction at work right here in America.  I've got a solution. Round up these lunatics and ship them off to Guantanamo. If we can go into other countries and forcibly removed "suspected terrorists" and keep them detained for years with no formal charges, it should be a snap to scrape this country of our own domestic terrorists. I'm just sayin'...

Speaking of the lunatic fringe, one of their messiahs sent a ripple through the religious right today when Dick Cheney -- yes, the biggest Dick of them all -- said he supported gay marriage. This is not a typo. Cheney said "freedom means freedom for everyone." He said marriage should be decided on a state by state basis, which is currently happening now. Maybe Dick's lesbian daughter has finally convinced him to get with the program. Who would have thought that our very own Mr. Potter would look more progressive than President Obama? Again, I'm just sayin'...

Meanwhile, Obama proclaimed June as national Pride month, while his administration has done little to help the GLBT community. People with HIV are still barred from entering the United States, Don't Act Don't Tell continues to throw people out of the military and he hasn't mentioned the gay marriage movement at all. The clock is ticking.


He only proclaimed it Pride Month after Hillary did.
Collin Kelley said…
The Pride month proclamation is nothing new. Bill used to do it, too.
The Peach Tart said…
I must say I am disappointed about Obama's silence on the Prop 8 ruling and the gay marriage issue in general.
When Hansoo woke me (I was napping, yesterday evening)and told me "Wake up, LIsa--Dick Cheney supports gay marriage." I said "WHAT?!" Then I woke up for-real, and I said quickly, "Well, only because it may affect HIS daughter. I bet he only supports states deciding. I bet he's not for federal protection under the law."
When Hansoo responded that "Yeah, state-by-state."
I thought Well, there you go...It's still NOT enough. And Dick Cheney--no matter how progressive he tries to look, is a hypocrite. He's alot like the "so-called 'Christian'-right-wing-crazies", though he's not religious. He just uses the zealots, usually to further his own agendas.
As far as the murder of Dr. Tiller goes--it is disgraceful and despicable.
I've often said there's absolutely NO difference between zealots killing doctors who they call "unbelievers" who perform procedures for women, and zealots who fly planes into buildings to kill "infidels".
Karen J. Weyant said…
Is it my imagination, or are we hearing more from Dick Cheney NOW than we ever did when he was vice president? (BTW -- I don't think that is a good thing!)
Cleo Creech said…
The christianist right is totally self-destructing. I see now some Rebublicans are now talking openly against Rush and not going back the next day with tails between legs. Sotomayor was a brilliant move on Obama's part just underlining how out of touch the (R) are with the new world order. I agree with some bloggers that the only thing Cheney is doing now with the torture debate is positioning himself so that he can claim any attempted prosecutions down the road are politically motivated. The man lost, he's out of the white house, he needs to take a page of of Bush's book and just slink quietly away, and realize his "legacy" is only being one of the most totally f****d presidencies in history.
Anonymous said…
Cheney needs a dick in his mouth and Obama needs to grow a bigger pair. Beyond this token proclamation he needs to at least fulfill one promise. Rather than spending my money on date night with Michelle in New York, he could have let foreigners into the country who HIV. It's draconian law (yes I looked that up).

christine said…
Wretched, what happened to the doctor. The far right is psychotic, and Guantanamo would be perfect for them.

Cheney's announcement about gay marriage is very opportunistic. I agree with Lisa, it can't hurt him politically now, and he probably made some kind of deal with his daughter, who's now making the talk show rounds defending her father.

And I agree with Gav, on the issue of gay marriage, and gay rights Obama has been too reticent. Until all people have equal civil rights, all our rights are in danger. All our so-called rights are tainted.

Great post, Collin. Can you tell I'm all riled?
jaxx said…
i love the idea of shipping the wingnuts to gitmo. the perfect repurposing of that godawful site.

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