You Lie! Ellen on Idol, Crazy Joe Wilson

Color me confused at this random choice of Ellen Degeneres as the new fourth judge on American Idol. I mean...seriously? Don't get me wrong, I love Ellen. She's hilarious and her talk show is brilliant. She's also out and proud and we're simpatico socially and politically. But...seriously? 

There was a rumor floating around just after Paula Abdul left that Cyndi Lauper was being considered to take her place. Now that's a choice I could sign off on. Cyndi is funny, she's a fantastic musician and her critique would have been the most valuable of anyone sitting on the panel. 

Ellen says she wants to be the voice of the public with her critique. That's great, but her guest judge slot on So You Think You Can Dance was mainly comic relief with no substance. I have no doubt Ellen will have some very funny things to say, but there won't be that insane-yet-compelling interplay/flirting/browbeating like there was between Paula and Simon. You know Simon isn't going to mock Ellen, because she would dismantle him in one quip. 

Having openly gay Ellen on a Fox show is fantastic, and it will surely bring a new tone to Idol. I just wish she had the musical chops to go with her new position. Will I be recapping the show? I originally said no, but the addition of Ellen might make me change my mind.

I found out about Ellen last night during Obama's fantastic health care reform speech. You  know, the one where right wing, Christian crazy Republican Rep. Joe Wilson (South Carolina - natch)  screamed "You lie" at Obama? He later apologized after his website, email, Twitter account and phones were deluged with angry people from around the world. His opponent in the upcoming election, Democrat Rob Miller, received $100,000 in donations last night. Obama called out the Republicans for their scare tactics and fear-mongering over health care reform. The truth is, Obama can get reform passed without Republicans. It's time to stop mollifying them and get on with the business of helping American citizens. As I said before, most Republicans don't want reform – because it would cut off handouts from lobbyists and donations from drug companies – and the ones that do have no ideas. Let's move on.


Isa Lube said…
I, as a musician, don’t feel she, Ellen, is a good replacement for Paula.
Paul said…
Joe Wilson from South Carolina, is just another good old boy where in the morning these married men preach to you that there should be prayer in our schools and in the evening they are on their cell phones setting up a date with their other women on the side, hypocrisy has been bred in. I am not surprised that he felt compel to yell like he was at some Friday night game. He is a hater not a debater like most of his side of the isle.
Tilt Press said…
"truth is, Obama can get reform passed without Republicans. It's time to stop mollifying them and get on with the business of helping American citizens."


and I've never seen anything more scary than screaming "death panel" republicans. I mean - really - they've lost their shit. They are terrified. And when they get scared, they get out and out ugly. I say MARCH ON with the "rising up" the cooks on the right keep talking about. At this point, I'm all for two americas - or moving to canada.

- rachel
Anonymous said…
It's a hot mess kind of day all over the world.

In The Pink said…
Please god don't let her dance whenever anyone bursts into song . . .
Amy said…
I know Ellen is personable and funny but AI will not be the same without Paula.
constant gina said…
Ellen would be a great replacement for PA...the labels suing her is just another sign of the times...its so tough for labels to make money that they are suing everyone who uses music without paperwork...
christine said…
It seems like you'll have to at least do some re-cap just to see how Ellen does. I love her sense of humor. But she won't give us the dysfunctional close=ups Paula did.

I totally agree with you about the crazy Wilson dude and how Obama needs to stop trying to pacify the Republicans. They lost. Boo hoo.

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